Monday, April 8, 2013


I just downloaded blogger to my phone. Maybe this will help me blog more often. Right now we are busy getting ready for baby! 5 weeks or less. We are so excited! Especially JT... he constantly says he can't wait for Emersen to get here. Here is the latest belly pic. He doesn't have much room left. ;)

Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 Resolutions

So... I totally failed at blogging last year. I guess the only thing I can say for myself is last year was crazy! Another failed adoption, Jon's little brother passed away, and we decided to do invitro. So I am going to get caught up a little at a time and try to blog about everything exciting that happened last year. The most exciting thing will be arriving sometime around May 10th! 

Emersen Kyle Hutchings

This little guy is totally stoked to be a big brother! 

One of my resolutions this year is to be better about this blog.
 I know I will be glad I did when I look back!