Time is flying by way too fast. I swear it was yesterday that JT would just lay and cuddle with me. That is not the case anymore. He is way too independent to need "mom" :) He now has 4 teeth, climbs stairs, and will stand by himself for up to 15 seconds. (I know not that long, but we are proud of him) His laugh is contagious, his smile lights up the whole room, and even on his worst of worst days (usually just when a tooth is coming in) he is the sweetest baby. We have been so lucky to have this very happy baby in our lives. Jon said he is seriously scared for the next one to come. Probably won't be as lucky! ;) hehe So speaking of next one... Jon and I attended orientation for LDS adoption today. We feel like it is time to start again. If we could have our own we probably wouldn't be starting yet, but who knows how long it will take to be chosen again. We are excited... the people are so friendly and helpful. We will keep everyone informed as things move along. Megan watched JT for us and when I went to pick him up he got the biggest smile and gave me a hug and kiss. That is why I love being a mom!!! I have the best husband and the cutest and happiest baby in the world. :) Hope everyone has a fun weekend.
7 years ago
Your little JT is so cute. He makes me want to smile whenever I see pictures of him. Good luck while Jonathan is at drill!
Jt is so cute and smiley I can't beleive how fast there growing up. I wish you luck with the new adoption and I loved going threw lds family services. I need your help with making a slideshow for brielle I can't figure out how to do it like yours. Thank you so much for the book and cd. i love them.
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